AWS - Amazon Web Services

Using the web interface built an EC2 t2.micro instance in US-West following steps by Alex. After starting the instance:


To confirm ssh CLI access:

  • In ~/.ssh, I saved the rsa key in from_amazon_authorized_keys.
  • In config, I added Host * entry with this as the IdentityFile and setting User.
  • In Emacs, using tramp I can access the filesystem with / and use Esc-! to run commands there.

Created an IAM cli user and Administrator group following AWS steps. This process creates an ID and Key.

Created aws conda environment with:

conda create --name aws
conda install python=3.7
pip install --upgrade awscli
aws --version
aws configure

and added ID, key, region and format following AWS steps. This operates on ~/.aws directory. Credentials are stored in plain text and the configuration information.

To get a list of running instances and public address:

aws ec2 describe-instances --output text | egrep ^INSTANCES | cut -f9,15

To stop an instance:

aws ec2 stop-instances --instance-ids XXXXXXXXXXXXXX --output text